They'd stay inside in this kind of weather if they didn't have their shed. They love their shed. And it's really quite hilarious. We'll bring them inside a little later and they'll be exhausted. No really. I mean like they were just given a sedative. They'll turn in their stall, heave a deep sigh, get all wobbly and droopy and just snooze away.
Yesterday the only place the bugs weren't ferocious was the round pen. So after lapping the hay field we went into the round pen and schooled for maybe 10 or 15 minutes. We really don't work hard in the heat. We were bugged by one bug that whole time. L was most awesome. She's had this "work ethic" going since she was maybe 3 and half years old and she takes her work very seriously. So much so it's really rather funny. This being a horse thing is serious business.
Product Review!

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