Sunday, June 5, 2011


I *love* tomatoes. Really. How can anyone resist this?

Friday Night Snack

I stopped and got a greenhouse vine ripened beefsteak from a farm not too far from here.

And yesterday I find the neighbors planted roughly 6000 tomatoes! Along with maybe 1000 mixed peppers.

And I have a dozen of my own in some community garden space.

It's going to be a good year for tomatoes. I never get sick of them.

We have to be careful. Baby turkeys are starting to leave their nests and wander about.

Back Off!

L doesn't spook at stuff like this. She goes after stuff like this and I don't want anyone getting hurt. It's the most amazing thing. She'll puff up like a cat and confront threats face on. I never saw a horse do that before. I don't mean she gets a little poofy. I mean she gets all kinds of BIG. And woofy. I'm used to it now but it took a while.

We did a little ring work yesterday. My trainer and I have differing opinions. Early on, learning something new or refreshing some training, I'll back off as soon as L gets it. That can be hard. Because when you get it right you want to keep doing it. Which is what my trainer recommends. When you get it right - do it again. And again. And again..

But when we do that I can sometimes almost feel L telling ok ok, enough already. Chances are, under the circumstances, what I'm asking her is going to be hard. So when she gets it right I'll do it again just to be sure it's not a fluke. Then I'll back off. And then I'll start there next time. It works for us.

Well. They redeemed themselves with this! It was a little cool and breezy. Nice day to try a new stout. I thought their Summer Stout was just awful. In all fairness though it could be great stuff and I just don't like Summer Stout. But this. This is strong. Bold. Thick. Rich. It is what I expect of stout.

Here, this deserves a close up:

I have another bottle of the Summer Stout and I'll wait for a perfect summer day to try it again. After all. I didn't really like this until I learned how to serve it. Now it could be a favorite!


  1. I have come to appreciate tomatoes over the last few years. :-) In fact, up until last year, I had tomato plants in pots on the deck. Last year I discovered hanging tomato plants. They are great. You get those little grape tomatoes, the perfect size for salads. For larger tomatoes, we can stop at a number of local produce stands on the way home. I'm hungry for a BLT! :-)

    BTW, my instructor uses the same process you do when teaching a horse something new; do it once more to make sure it wasn't a fluke, then take a rest.

  2. I'd love to take credit for these BLT Spring Rolls!


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