Monday, March 21, 2011

No. Really?

Really. I've never had Irish whiskey.

I was thinking. Here I've never *ever* had Irish whiskey. Never even tried it. So off I went to the liquor store, found the Irish whiskey and I paced back and forth, unable to make up my mind, Bushmills or Jameson. I decided I'd try Bushmills. I think the bad guys in the action novels drink Bushmills. Then I couldn't make up my mind between the 10 year old and the 18 year old. I decided I'd take the 10 year old stuff for a test drive.

Edit: I've since realized that 18 year old stuff was Jameson. Bushmills doesn't bottle an 18 year old whiskey.

How I try whiskey - I start "neat". That is, just whiskey, straight up, with nothing. Then I try it with just a splash of water. Then I try it on the rocks. Now, there's a funny thing about whiskey on the rocks. After a couple of minutes it basically has a splash of water as the ice melts. I like my bourbon on the rocks.

I don't like Scotch at all. I celebrated L's Grand Champion year with a very expensive Glenrothe's Scotch whiskey and I ended up making barbecue sauce with it.

I'm thrilled with Bushmills. It might be a new favorite thing.

How does one drink whiskey? However one likes. Thumbs up! I'll take my Bushmills neat thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Bushmills is nice. I take whiskey with a splash of water. A nice summer sitting-out-on-the-deck drink is whiskey, lots of ice, ginger ale and lime wedges in tall class. Vodka is my drink of choice and I like it either straight from the freezer or with a splash of water.


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