Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Good Vet

A couple of weeks ago I went to get my paint mare G. I don't blog much about G. I will when she's gone.

There was a "thing" on her nose. It looked like a worm. Like some kind of parasite. Turns out it was her eyelid. Much to my horror somehow or other she had got into something sharp and she'd torn her eyelid almost clean off. She was very lucky that the tiniest thread of tissue was still attached and her eyelid was stuck to the bridge of her nose. I was ... well. Panic stricken. It just amazes me the trouble horses can get themselves in to.

Of course I made a (panic stricken) call to the vet and explained what I'd observed. This was a bad situation.

My vet explained this might require hospitalization, would require a very delicate and precise surgery and could cost thousands.

When she arrived she examined the situation and we talked about options. I was going to have her go ahead and take the eyelid off and see what the next few weeks brought ... but she thought..maybe she could stitch her eyelid back on. So I had her go ahead and do that.

It took about 3 hours to stitch G's eyelid back on. We were there well into the night. Here a couple of weeks later her eye looks pretty good.

That inflammation and swelling there on the left should diminish significantly in another week or two.

Of course I have no idea how she did this and she won't tell me.

But I'm really grateful to a good vet.

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