Saturday, April 9, 2011

Takin' a walk

Make a note! This season's first walk with L.

7 April 2011

I've blogged about this before. Walking with L has to be my single most favorite thing in the world. I can't say why exactly. Everything just seems right with the world when we walk and it took a long time to get there.

Finally this week the footing isn't quite so sloppy and it hasn't been cold and windy. Our first walk of the season always leaves me feeling pretty good. It's a pleasant thing to do on its face and usually the winter is behind us. The threat of ice and snow is past. It's time to clean tack and give some serious thought to goals.

I really have to work on L's canter. She should be "finished" by now and well, our canter is just awful. It's a huge problem. I'm embarrassed to say - I have trouble with leads. I can't always tell when she's on the right lead and she tends to take the wrong lead generally. So it's hard for me to show her what to do with any kind of confidence. She knows that and it interferes with our success.

It's a challenge I need a plan for.

1 comment:

  1. A dressage friend taught me a trick about canter/lope leads and it works!! In a paddock, at a walk or standstill, ask L. for the canter/lope as you come around the corner, before you start down the straight-away on the rail. L. will pick up the correct inside lead because she has to be balanced coming out of the turn. :-)

    I have to say that canter/lope is not one of Gem's favourite things to do - he can trot forever, but lope??? I wonder if it's a "Canadian" thing?

    Good luck!


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