Sunday, December 19, 2010

Let's get ready to rumble!

You know the William Tell Overture? Part 3? "The Calm"? Think of that idyllic pastoral melody here.

The buckskin in the back there, her name is H and she's been messing with L forever. She's a really adorable little Arab cross. Now, winter turnout is going to be challenging and it will be very much easier if these two can sort out their differences and hang out together.

Edit: Correction. H is an adorable little Morgan/Quarter Horse cross. Not an adorable little Arab cross. But she looks like a lot like an Arab cross!

H just has to understand that L is the alpha mare. Period.

Everything was going just swimmingly. We were shrugging our shoulders and about to walk off when...H decided she needed to take a poke at L.

I don't know what she was thinking. I really don't. So L has to go get all dramatic.

But H is really quick! She has that going for her anyway.

Ok fine. Watch this.

I just love this picture. H is all kinds of ferocious and look at L. This is pure 100% L. I'm not even sure her heart is beating fast here. She's just gonna take care of business is all.

H is getting the "uh-oh" expression here.

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...
L steadies herself and takes aim..

Oh crap


Third time is the charm.

Feets don't fail me now!
Ok ok break it up you guys!

That lasted all of about maybe 2 or 3 seconds. It appeared to be all kinds of dramatic but that was all more theatrical than anything else. H is a huge drama queen and L didn't intend to hurt her. No nobody got hurt here.

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