Sunday, February 10, 2013

This is a Snow Day

I woke up to this:

9 February 2013 7:38 am. Looking NNW.

There are cars out there somewhere...

It cleared well before they forecast. The wind blowing the snow around made it very unpleasant for most of the day.

The coastal region got whacked pretty hard. The flooding was severe and it could be 5 days before some of those communities have power. This is an awful time of year to be without power. It wasn't all that bad here west of the city. It was a huge storm but it wasn't the storm of a lifetime. We got something between 2 and 3 feet. It's worth remembering that they report precipitation (and its form) from Logan Airport. Which is right on Boston Harbor. With the moderating effect of the nearby water - a couple of feet of snow at Logan is a huge event. Just a few miles west of the city we get 2 and 3 feet of snow now and then.

We get snowbanks like this but it's rare to see them like this from a single storm.

North St.

This is the neighborhood where I run. Not today!

Barber St.

While I just hate the cold I usually don't mind the snow so much. Usually. This was a bit much. I'm really looking forward to Spring!

Of course a hot peppermint patty is the perfect thing for a day like this!


  1. We got hit pretty hard in Ontario on Friday. Lots of fluffy white stuff. Believe it or not, I was actually sort of glad to see it. We needed a good base for the riding trails after our +10C temps of a week or so ago that turned everything to ice. What a crazy winter it's been....

    1. I don't mind the snow too much but I just *hate* the cold. It's been very cold the past few weeks and the snow has warmed things up.

      I rode L in the snow for about 20 minutes. She was a real good sport about it!


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