Saturday, January 4, 2014

Looks like winter

Courtesy of a New Year's Nor'easter.

We're close enough to the coast to have Nor'easters give us the occasional blizzard but we're spared the coastal flooding. We got snow. This is New England. It snows here in the wintertime. I mean really, the way the local news carries on you'd think we never saw snow before. And the way people drive. Don't get me started! I don't recall when the thought first occurred to me but there must be a lot of people here came from someplace else.

And when did this bread and milk thing start?! They forecast snow and the supermarket's are out of bread and milk within minutes. And cold cuts! A few years ago I watched in amazement as people lined up at the deli counter buying cheese and cold cuts 2 and 3 pounds at a time. I won't go anywhere near a supermarket when there's a storm in the forecast!

From my office window. 3 January 10:00 am.

I really don't mind the snow so much. What I *really* hate is the cold.

The cold?

The cold! 4 January 7:00 am. -4° F

I absolutely *hate* the cold and some serious cold came in behind this last storm. I do pretty good even down into the single digits but I'm seriously miserable when it goes below 0. This is about as cold as we've had in 3 years or so. *Everything* is hard in the cold. I grow less tolerant of the cold every year.

But remember. Yankees don't move. Not real ones anyway. I think I better go get some soup started.


  1. I don't mind snow at all. In fact, I love riding in it. But, like you, I really really hate the cold. The last couple of weeks, we have been suffering. I ventured out yesterday and the temperature outside was hovering at -25C (-13F), -38C (-36F) with the windchill. It hurt to breath. All the old horses have been brought in from the fields, to ride out the cold in or near the barn. I don't know how the staff manage in this weather. I am actually happy that we are going to have a big dump of snow over the next couple of days because it will increase the temps. Stay warm! I find vodka with a lime twist helps. :-)

    1. Oh my that's very cold. No I wouldn't like that one bit!

      Stay warm! Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps helps too. I always hope for early spring!


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