Saturday, March 16, 2013

Snoozing in the sun

This time of year the sun feels nice even when the weather is relatively miserable.

Snoozing. Saturday 9 March

And the weather has been...*really* miserable. February was an ordeal! Here I think this says it all right here. There on the left. The snow devil out there whipping by the barn. That field was full of them for days.

17 February

And..I'm *hugely* embarrassed to have been...stuck! Yes. Stuck! The first time I've been stuck since 1988! At least then my truck had fallen through the ice into a pond. It's not like I was stuck in a snow bank or something.

Sunday 10 February. Stuck!

No, they don't make them like they used to. I had to get a tractor to drag me out of there.

OMG this is *so* embarrassing

March didn't give us any relief.

Friday 8 March. Driving home from work.

It got so bad...I ..well...I made scones!

Most shocking! You see, I don't bake. This might be the first thing I ever baked from scratch! Bread and pancakes don't count. I followed this recipe and I used Saco powdered buttermilk. I keep that on hand mostly for making dressings. I thought they came out excellent. I had some homemade blueberry jam with my scone and I was quite tickled.

We're really looking forward to Spring around here! I hope I remember how to ride my horse!

Edit 17 March: Yes, I remembered how to ride my horse. Saturday was actually a very nice day around here.

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