Saturday, September 22, 2012

Problem Solved

I had a problem several weeks ago. When I stopped to I have some favorites but I wanted to try something new. As I looked at dozens, if not hundreds of beers I realized that, over the years, I've at least tried pretty much everything I had a passing acquaintance with.

I had no idea how to choose something (completely) new. By type? Well sure but then what. Go in alphabetical order? Prettiest label? Nearest brewery?

I grabbed a 6 pack from Offshore Ale. Beer from Martha's Vineyard is local and maybe somewhat creative and crafty and I like ales. But then I had to wonder what about Martha's Vineyard would make I thought maybe it was "gimmicky". So I put it back. I was having a problem!

I left there with Long Trail Pale Ale and a vague idea about needing a plan.

A week or so later...I had..a plan unfolding. I Googled "beers to try".

And I made a list!

From the search results I have a list of about 40 beers the "experts" think are pretty good. Some of them might even be hard to find. That will keep me busy for a while. Add this list of seasonal beer and I think it's fair to say...problem solved.

Starting here

I vaguely recall something about Anchor Steam Brewing having been influential in the craft beer movement decades ago and being overall fairly well regarded. So I decided I'd try their beer.

I think it's kind of average but I liked it. I tend to like ales so I found this was malty and sweet but it was refreshing enough. I haven't poured it into a glass yet so I don't know what it looks like. This was different and while I wouldn't say I'm an expert I found it satisfying enough.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karl: have you tried anything out of Dogfish Head Brewery? My favorite is the chichory stout. There is also a raison d'etre after which I use as Raydar's show name; RaYson d'Etre.


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