Thursday, May 31, 2012

The disagreeable mare

Make no mistake. I adore my Sweety. But I swear sometimes she can be a real pill.

Who. Me?

It was a little cooler yesterday but it was humid. And L was apparently feeling a little frisky. She was acting a lot like a 4 year old. After we'd warmed up she started doing this move into a trot thing when I'd gather her reins a little. I was patient about it. But every time I had her halt she'd toss her head and crank her tail and it became clear she was going to be a stinker.

So I said fine. You want to run? We'll run. So we ran. And ran. And ran. She did her big scary extended road trot, ears up, happy as can be every stride. After about 3 miles we hit the fields and I had her walk a bit to orient herself and then...we ran some more. We did a mile and a half or so at a dead run. She worked up a good sweat but she was barely breathing hard. She might be fat but she sure is fit. So we went back and lapped the barn. My trainer watched us go by a couple of times. She didn't give me any equitation points but L was getting some much needed exercise. I lost track of our laps but L was still happily breezing along. I was breathing pretty hard by then. Me and my bright ideas. At least I'd had the sense to use a saddle.

By the time I ran out of steam she was at least willing to walk.

River of sweat

She got a shower and grazed some of the best grass on the property.

I had a Mayflower Golden Ale. Didn't even pause for a picture. I can't remember when a beer tasted better!


  1. Wow! I was getting exhausted just reading about your ride! Gem's not in great shape, but boy does he have stamina....much more than me! Must be the breed. L sure is a beaut, sweat and all. Beer tastes its best after a good ride, in my opinion. :-)

    1. She had a great time.

      I barely had the strength to drive home!

  2. L and M are definitely sisters! They are more alike then you can imagine :)


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