Saturday, June 25, 2011

My love affair

with beer...

started with one of these

Would you believe up until just a few years ago I don't think I'd had two beers in 20 years?

Here's what happened.

In August 2007, I had finished my barn work, worked a couple of horses and enjoyed a 2 or 3 hour ride with L. It was close to a hundred degrees out that day. I was tired. I was soaked with sweat. I felt great. On my drive home I thought...what a *perfect* day for a beer.

When I was younger I liked Molson Golden. So it was a natural choice. I stopped and got a cold 6 pack of Molson Golden. I got home, took off my shoes, opened a bottle and chugged. It was very very good. I was right. Perfect day for a beer.

The next weekend, same thing basically. Not a hundred degrees, but hot, and now I had 5 beers left. So when I got home I had a beer. Next day too. Just one. After a good ride.

A new ritual was born. I really enjoy a beer after a good ride.

This went on until I think November. When I found Molson Golden was a little too light and refreshing for the cold weather. So I got Guinness in a bottle. I like Guinness. But not in a bottle. Oh I finished that 6 pack but I'll never buy another. I followed that up with a Guinness Extra Stout. Now that I liked.

As time passed I went back to another old favorite, Bass ale. I tried a Samuel Adams Winter Lager. I liked it.

I'm not really a beer snob. I think you at least have to drink your beer out of a glass to be a beer snob. But definitely a big fan.

And apparently, as of 2010 anyway, there are 1759 breweries here in the States and 1716 of them are classified as craft breweries.

I could have a beer after every ride for the rest of my life and not have the same one twice.

I like to try new (to me) beers first and then read the reviews so I'm not influenced by anyone else's opinions. I find it rather amusing that one my most favorite beers is consistently trashed by all the beer blogs and I'm just glad the brewer keeps brewing it anyway.

I've expanded as well! Last fall I tried a couple of hard ciders. So far it just tastes like fizzy cider vinegar to me but hey, that's just me and I'll keep trying.

And it was a good way to mark training progress for a while. I really don't remember the last time I didn't have a beer after a ride...


  1. Beer? Did someone say beer? :-) I convinced my classmates about a year ago to go for burgers and beers after lesson. We go every week and every single time we have that first sip (or chug in some cases!) of beer, we all say "this is the best beer I have EVER had!". :-) I don't know what it is that makes it taste so good after a ride. Is it clearing the dust from your throat? Who know and who cares - it's delish! I haven't had a Golden in years. My beer of choice after riding is Molson Canadian, Stella or Labatt Blue, all draft. BTW, I LOVE Sam Adams....tried it about 20(?) years ago while in Boston. A number of years later it was available in bottles, but it just doesn't taste the same to me. We go to Boston every few years for family stuff and our visits always include a visit to a pub so that we can get our SA fix. :-)

  2. I agree 100%. There's something about a beer after a good ride. I don't know exactly what it is but it's the best thing ever.


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